Yo! How we all doin, boys and girls. I really think the tutz's "Change your ways" blogpost was left somewhat unfinished and with a lot of questionmarks. So I thought that among the conspiracy theories suggested by tutz(there were many vids) were some plausible theories and some crazy but whatever my idea is that if you want I can create a thread where you put me in the position of defending the thesis of ONE conspiracy theory suggested by tutz and I would do my best to present the theory in several key points just as many of you suggested tutz do it just to see where it takes us and see some world class trolling ofcourse . Crazy theories create crazy threads so here is your chance to put any conspiracy theory no matter how crazy under test and I would try to present the strongest arguments of the conspiracy theory and defend it. It's not that I believe in every theory out there but I know enough on each of them so it would be a fun discussion. So - choose your crazy conspiracy theory you want me to defend. Let the Conspiracy shoot-out begin.
The following documentary talks about Antineoplastins and how they can have a very good cure rate in brain tumours which are one of the most fatal. These pills are synthesized aminoacids and other stuff and the guy who introduced them to the market has been put on trial by the FDA 6 times and found innocent all 6 times. The paradox is that the FDA has approved him already lol. The documentary is extremely well made and researched and they show moments of the court cases, interviews, the science involved, documented cases. They even show many of the patients giving testimonies in court. And even though there is a huge amount of documents and proof in this documentary, it's not a slow one, it's very well directed and a masterpiece. It really shows how corrupted FDA is and what the medical establishment is all about. After all, 50 billions profit per year from the cancer industry is too much to give away. If you want proof - watch it and tell me what you think. The beginning is very powerful. A father who had a babygirl with a braintumor put her on chemo and radiation and after that had to put gloves when changing her diapers because the urine was extremely toxic and radioactive. Then they found this guy's cure. Sick shit, watch it!
Okay, words cannot describe what I just experienced. First of all, I am not one of those guys to just make things up or to paint them all pink or anything, I will tell you EXACTLY what happened.
So, I was asleep and I woke up. I am currently using a technique for astral projection that is basically this - when u wake up u go back to your dream or dreamstate without moving (at least not much) and then your astral body and physical body separate just like when u dream. So just after waking up the connection is not strong so you can easily manipulate it. That's exactly what I did. So when I felt that detachment i rolled over with my asrtal body (that's the technique) and it worked for the first time in my life. This is when it gets extremely fucking interesting.
I went to the end of my room and I looked at my body - it was CARTOON!!! Hahaha it was more cartoon and more vivid than I can EVER imagine, it was like living in a cartoon. I have never ever experienced something like this but I have watched a short clip on youtube that describes lucid dreaming and it was EXACTLY like they say it, EXACTLY!!! So, I thought it was pretty strange that everything was cartoon because in astral projection you are in real time, at least at the beginning, and it can't be cartoon at all. Now I realise that it was lucid dreaming but when I looked at my body I just felt strange and didn't get why everything was cartoon, I just enjoyed it. It's interesting to say that just prior to going to sleep I talked to a friend of mine about lucid dreaming and he gave me advices and shit. He told me I should levitate things and I told him that I will levitate bitches on my cock. I wonder how cartoon those bitches would've been had I thought of it.
So I crumbled outside my block through the balcony and I just did a spiderman descent on the wall, like a bug, ya know. I started flying around and there were cartoon cars and people and all kinds of vivid world. It was 100% vivid and real for me, I was living in it, amazing! The cartoon people looked a bit like Fandango but not really skulls, just sort of like them. One was hit by a car and I laughed I think. I was having lots of fun just flying around and I entered a building. In this building I saw many superheroes fighting with eachother and flying. I remember Batman and Spiderman very well. It was like a big empty tower full of floors and I remember experimenting with my superpowers. First, I received a few hits by someone and he was doing something to my foot. I think it was Batman or someone looking like him but it wasn't very pleasant. So I was like "now it's my turn". I saw Spiderman standing on a floor and someone told me to drop him, I think it was Batman, so I did it - I made a hole in the floor and Spiderman dropped on the next floor lol. I heard big laughter. Then, I went on the lower floor where Spiderman was again sitting so I decided to just make a small hole big enough to make his body a bit uncomfortable but not really leading to the lower floor. I did it with my mind powers and it instantly made the hole and I remember Spiderman just looking at me like "WTF, man?!?" It was a hilarious moment.
I experimented a bit more with my powers and flying and I remembered that I needed to remember this astral projection (not realising that it wasn't AP) so I began using a technique in AP to think of my body and repeat my success saying "I astral projected" many times. This is done so that you don't fall asleep after reentering your body and forget everything. It would be a pity. So, suddenly I reentered my body and I woke up. The first thing I did was to go tell my mom about it. She was in the kitchen with a few friends of mine cooking something. I waited for her to stop talking but it never happened, they just kept on talking forever. The next thing I know - I woke up for real. I was like "Holy SHIT, what did just happen?!?!? I wrote everything down on a piece of paper and couldn't believe what I just experienced. Then I started analysing why it was cartoon and chills went down my spine when I remembered this clip:
The only difference was that the cartoon wasn't fluid-like, but it was exactly the type of cartoon as in the clip. My face was the same type of cartoon but other people's faces on the streets were more like a mixture between Grim Fandango and South Park (the canadians in SP). Unfortunately, I was a ginger cartoon boy in my dream even though I am nothing like ginger at all in real life. I looked like this but with a different hairstyle and had a few freckles. My grandmother has a doll that is 100% like my cartoon-self lol.
The interesting thing is that I am making my own product (like the one on the clip). I've been taking it for like a week straight and I already had a failed attempt of AP two mornings ago when I moved with my astral body but did not exit my physical body and now this crazy motherfucking cartoon lucid dream. I had never had a more lucid, in control and vivid dream in my whole life. It's 8:53AM here and I haven't slept much but I am pumped, this shit was intense and crazy. Damn, I should've fucked a few cartoon characters but whatever, Fandango bitches weren't really my type. I've read a few blogs on here on lucid dreaming and I will search for them to see similarities but guys, please, tell me if you have experienced anything like this - a cartoon lucid dream. I am gonna shit some bricks now. Bye.